Thursday, September 4, 2008

Education in the 21st Century

A part of being an educator is being able to be flexible and willing to introduce new tools in the classroom, even if that reaches beyond a certain traditional comfort zone. Being a teacher in the 21st century, an age of limitless technology, means that is has never been more important to incorporate new techniques. Each day we are exposed and bombarded by the technological world with the use of computers, cellphones, ipods, text messaging, e-mails, and t.v; it is unavoidable. As a result, students today are becoming more and more dependent on technology and if education wants to keep pace with its students then it needs to learn to incorporate it into teaching. As a future educator, technology in the classroom is an essential tool that can assist in teaching as well as learning if it is used properly.

It is the goal of teaching to use the most helpful methods and techniques to assist students and motivate them to do the best that they can. It becomes the responsibility of the educator to keep pace with those methods and bring them into the classroom; and with the average student spending nearly 3.5 hours each day online, it is evident that computers and technology are a huge part of students lives.("Vision of Todays Students" Youtube video) Because of constant exposure to technology, students have become "digital learners" and multitaskers.("Pay Attention" Youtube ) They are always talking on their cell phones, playing video games, checking facebook, and listening to their ipods. They are addicted to being entertained, so when it comes time to sit down and watch a teacher write on the blackboard they become uninterested. In order to reach out and connect to students to draw their attention back to learning, is to create an entertaining and creative curriculum with the use of the technology that they are most familiar with. Technology has really become a part of who we are as a society and without the use of technology in classrooms, we are seriously setting children back. We live in a world where we are forced to coexist with technology, so to use it in the class not only prepares students for life beyond school, but it helps to connect to the students and helps them to gain an interest in learning.

Not only is technology the best way to engage and reach out to students, it is also a very helpful tool that can be used where textbooks sometimes fail. Sometimes textbooks can become outdated, inaccurate, and brief on certain subjects, this limits the amount of knowledge that students can gain on a particular topic. Not only that, but textbooks do not discuss real world, current events going on. However, where textbooks sometimes fail students, the Internet as a source can be very helpful. The Internet has thousands of entries on certain topics, it can go more in depth on a subject, and it is easy access to current information in a fast paced, ever changing society.

In a rapidly evolving society, technology also exposes students to other cultures and it connects them to a global society, as well as motivates them to get involved with issues in their own communities. Web cams and e-mails between classes in different regions and countries strengthens tolerance and communication, as well as creates a more direct way to learn about other cultures rather than to read about that particular culture in a textbook. The Internet also allows students to read about current issues in their area and to get involved with their community. This early experience of students voicing their opinion about current and local issues empowers students by getting them interested, invested, and letting them know they can play an active, productive role in their community.

Despite the endless positive possibilities and ways that technology can be used as a tool to enhance learning, it can also create problems if it is not used properly. The Internet is a powerful resource but not all sources are accurate, so it becomes essential to teach students to tell the difference between an accurate and an inaccurate web page. Also unmonitored Internet use is inviting for students to drift off task and e-mail one another. Another problem that technology has created is a dependence on the need to be entertained If its not entertaining students tend to tune it out. Technology only enhances this type of attitude, when it is just as important to work on developing the skill to focus on a topic or subject when it doesn't have a flashing power point, youtube video, or movie that goes with it. However, if we as future educators can create a healthy balance with technology in the class, it will only improve and strengthen education and a love of learning.


Johanna Prince said...

Jena, a really fantastic first post. You write clearly and present both sides of the issues here which is essential. As a teacher being able to examine the good and potential issues will be extremely helpful as you consider all the ideas you'll face. I look forward to seeing how your ideas grow this semester. Jo

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.